Frequently Asked Questions


Affiliate Program

Yes. Edit your profile here and in the optional information you will see the "Custom Affiliate URL". Set that to any code that is letters and/or numbers only, and 50 characters or less. It is case sensitive. The format is as follows:



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General Questions

Archieboy Holdings has been incorporated in the state of Massachusetts since 2001.

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Dr. Bennett, our founder, created and sold one of the first web-hosting companies for 20 million dollars. He bought and sold one of Boston's largest datacenters, saving the company from bankruptcy and making a profit, and currently runs a very successful online publishing company. For a full list of accomplishments and successes, see Dr. Bennett's bio.

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Changing your password is very easy

At this point, you will be logged in and your new password will be saved. You can now proceed to the site's menu and access the member content.

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Don't Allow Yourself To Be Manipulated

The media, politicians, and even your well-meaning social media friends deceive and even sometimes outright lie. Arm yourself with critical thinking skills. Social scientist and author Bo Bennett, PhD writes books related to critical thinking, reason, and skepticism, and psychology. Pick of one of his many titles today!

Browse Dr. Bennett's Books